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Midwifery Services From Beginning of pregnancy to Beginning of motherhood….

Licensed midwives are considered primary care providers for pregnant women during the pregnancy and first 6 weeks postpartum. We provide comprehensive care which includes labs, prenatal and postpartum check ups for mother and baby, ultrasounds, nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support and well baby care for the first 6 weeks of life on earth. We typically provide all of your care, but I have access to several OB’s that I trust when consultation is needed.

My Schedule for care:

Prenatal Visits

At each visit, we will monitor vital signs, check growth of the baby, listen to fetal heart tones via doppler or fetoscope, nutritional counseling. Labs drawn in office when needed. Sonograms are scheduled as needed though my usual request is a single sonogram at 20 weeks unless additional assessment is needed at a later time, which will be discussed with you beforehand. The sonographers I refer to are in-network with many insurances.

Initial intake for pregnancy between 10-12 weeks

Monthly visits thereafter until 28 weeks gestation

Bi-weekly Visits from 28-36 weeks gestation

Home visit prenatal at 36-37 weeks - I come to your home at this visit so I can easily find you when labor is happening! We discuss your preferences for your birth, transport plans (should we need to transport during labor to the hospital) , gather birth certificate information, discuss preparation for your home for the big day and I leave you a birth kit of supplies for the birth along with a list of things to gather from around your house. We also discuss your immediate postpartum instructions, warning signs,

Weekly office visits until birth

I highly recommend all mother but especially first time mms and VABC moms to join the fitness program Train For Birth by Krisha Crosley. This can be found at I have found tha tmothers who are consistent with her pregnancay and Train FOr Birth programs have uch smoother, faster labors. I also will provide a breastfeeding class for moms who are breastfeeding for the first time through Lactation Development Resources.

Labor, Birth & Immediate Postpartum

I will join you in active labor and attend you to around 2.5-3 hours postpartum when you will be “discharged” from labor care. During your labor a second, assisting midwife will be called to join us. I make every effort to have 2 midwives at your birth for safety reasons.

I do have the ability to deliver at two area birthing centers ( at additional charge, the birth centers have their fee outside of mine)

Suturing: I can suture first and second degree vaginal/perineal tears should you need repair.

Newborn Exam: I perform a full head to toe examination of your new baby! I check weight, measurements, reflexes, listen to breathing and heart sounds to detect any abnormalities, and all body systems. I offer vitamin K supplementation and Erythromycin eye ointment if you desire to have it administered. If you are choosing to vaccinate, you will need to schedule an appointment with your pediatrician to do so.


Monitor vital signs, bleeding, adjustment to motherhood, assessment of any vaginal repairs done at birth, breastfeeding support and newborn care education.

2-3 days post birth at your home

Office visits at 2,4 & 6 weeks or as needed


2-3 days home visit - Includes weight check, Newborn Metabolic Screening, CHD screening, keepsake footprint! Birth certificate filing.

2, 4, 6 weeks in office. - Includes weight check, breastfeeding support & pediatrician referral if needed.

I offer additional Newborn Hearing Screens by Radiance Pediatrics in the office once a month

Standard Labs :

New OB Profile: CBC, ABO & Rh (Blood typing) , Antibodies, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Rubella immunity & HIV

28 weeks: Gestational Diabetes screening, CBC

36 Weeks : Repeat New OB Profile

37 Weeks Group B strep screening

Newborn Metabolic Screen at 2-3 days and 2 weeks

Repeat CBC if needed in Postpartum